
Nature & Wildlife

Project 84 - 2nd Round

Publishing the same 84 videos again but this time making sure that the different videos of a specific species are equally distributed over hours and weekdays. The issue with 18:00 and 19:00 is persistent.

Last changed on 2024-04-07

Discussion 2nd Round

When uploading the videos, I made two mistakes with scheduling. The first one I detected in time and I was able to fix it during the experiment by deleting the video and uploading again with the correct schedule. I didn't catch the second one though. Therefore, one day there are two videos published the same hour but missing one published later.

When publishing two videos the same time, one picked up some views the other not. It may be that the 18:00, 19:00 issue has to do with number of shorts published? Needs testing.

18:00, 19:00 issue is persistent. Dramatic drop from 17:00 (2034 counts) to 18:00 (57 counts) and 19:00 (7 counts). Recovering at 20:00 with 1029 counts.

Difference between species isn't significant anymore (alpha .05). Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) and Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans) are still slacking.

Datasheets and Statistics 2nd Round

Data Weekday

Weekday Total Data Points
Mon 2065 [142, 21, 15, 415, 405, 416, 10, 406, 177, 52, 0, 6]
Tue 2442 [416, 74, 86, 332, 400, 29, 187, 458, 423, 0, 0, 37]
Wed 2487 [49, 459, 466, 33, 20, 428, 119, 426, 425, 2, 0, 60]
Thu 1584 [168, 15, 12, 31, 54, 210, 12, 615, 1, 403, 0, 63]
Fri 3303 [384, 230, 6, 413, 1091, 42, 219, 100, 402, 1, 1, 414]
Sat 2229 [328, 60, 407, 422, 5, 411, 207, 1, 335, 0, 6, 47]
Sun 4782 [414, 413, 2550, 19, 402, 3, 2, 233, 335, 3, 3, 405]

Kruskal-Wallis Weekday

Key Value
alpha 0.05
significance N
statistic 2.3122591778360886
p_value 0.8888588292442122
datasets_ignored []

Post Hoc Dunn Weekday

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Mon - 0.7033 0.4487 0.5720 0.6184 0.9399 0.7252
Tue 0.7033 - 0.7064 0.3442 0.9067 0.6482 0.9766
Wed 0.4487 0.7064 - 0.1860 0.7953 0.4049 0.6847
Thu 0.5720 0.3442 0.1860 - 0.2877 0.6243 0.3593
Fri 0.6184 0.9067 0.7953 0.2877 - 0.5664 0.8835
Sat 0.9399 0.6482 0.4049 0.6243 0.5664 - 0.6694
Sun 0.7252 0.9766 0.6847 0.3593 0.8835 0.6694 -

Data by Hour

Hour Total Data Points
09:00:00 1445 [141, 1, 48, 168, 381, 292, 414]
10:00:00 1240 [21, 73, 438, 15, 229, 53, 411]
11:00:00 2233 [15, 81, 461, 12, 6, 407, 1251]
12:00:00 1659 [414, 331, 33, 31, 410, 421, 19]
13:00:00 1991 [332, 97, 20, 53, 1082, 5, 402]
14:00:00 1521 [415, 29, 413, 210, 42, 409, 3]
15:00:00 614 [8, 187, 77, 11, 124, 205, 2]
16:00:00 2532 [403, 451, 423, 611, 313, 99, 1, 231]
17:00:00 2034 [177, 421, 423, 1, 402, 309, 301]
18:00:00 57 [52, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3]
19:00:00 7 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3]
20:00:00 1029 [6, 36, 60, 62, 413, 47, 405]

Kruskal-Wallis Hour

Key Value
alpha 0.05
significance Y
statistic 31.870422043485465
p_value 0.0008001073659933383
datasets_ignored []

Post Hoc Dunn Hour

09:00:00 10:00:00 11:00:00 12:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 20:00:00
09:00:00 - 0.9650 0.8867 0.7094 0.9650 0.8867 0.3629 0.3459 0.5178 0.0123 0.0027 0.7589
10:00:00 0.9650 - 0.9214 0.7423 1.0000 0.9214 0.3403 0.3696 0.5466 0.0110 0.0024 0.7258
11:00:00 0.8867 0.9214 - 0.8179 0.9214 1.0000 0.2927 0.4264 0.6141 0.0083 0.0017 0.6531
12:00:00 0.7094 0.7423 0.8179 - 0.7423 0.8179 0.1997 0.5771 0.7841 0.0042 0.0007 0.4967
13:00:00 0.9650 1.0000 0.9214 0.7423 - 0.9214 0.3403 0.3696 0.5466 0.0110 0.0024 0.7258
14:00:00 0.8867 0.9214 1.0000 0.8179 0.9214 - 0.2927 0.4264 0.6141 0.0083 0.0017 0.6531
15:00:00 0.3629 0.3403 0.2927 0.1997 0.3403 0.2927 - 0.0598 0.1196 0.1035 0.0368 0.5466
16:00:00 0.3459 0.3696 0.4264 0.5771 0.3696 0.4264 0.0598 - 0.7837 0.0005 0.0001 0.2079
17:00:00 0.5178 0.5466 0.6141 0.7841 0.5466 0.6141 0.1196 0.7837 - 0.0018 0.0003 0.3403
18:00:00 0.0123 0.0110 0.0083 0.0042 0.0110 0.0083 0.1035 0.0005 0.0018 - 0.7052 0.0273
19:00:00 0.0027 0.0024 0.0017 0.0007 0.0024 0.0017 0.0368 0.0001 0.0003 0.7052 - 0.0071
20:00:00 0.7589 0.7258 0.6531 0.4967 0.7258 0.6531 0.5466 0.2079 0.3403 0.0273 0.0071 -

Data Species

Species Total Data Points
Agelaius phoeniceus 1199 [10, 29, 20, 60, 31, 0, 6, 1, 60, 335, 414, 233]
Aix sponsa 2849 [142, 406, 187, 428, 54, 63, 413, 1, 407, 0, 413, 335]
Ardea herodias 3605 [415, 0, 86, 0, 459, 425, 168, 615, 219, 411, 402, 405]
Chelydra serpentina 2264 [416, 400, 37, 33, 0, 12, 403, 230, 402, 328, 1, 2]
Lithobates clamitans 1167 [15, 52, 74, 423, 49, 426, 12, 42, 5, 47, 19, 3]
Megaptera novaeangliae 5887 [21, 177, 416, 458, 119, 210, 1091, 414, 422, 6, 2550, 3]
Sciurus carolinensis 1921 [405, 6, 332, 0, 466, 2, 15, 1, 384, 100, 207, 3]

Kruskal-Wallis Species

Key Value
alpha 0.05
significance N
statistic 10.644814957399175
p_value 0.09999397540679385
datasets_ignored []

Post Hoc Dunn Species

Agelaius phoeniceus Aix sponsa Ardea herodias Chelydra serpentina Lithobates clamitans Megaptera novaeangliae Sciurus carolinensis
Agelaius phoeniceus - 0.1108 0.0328 0.5247 0.7314 0.0218 0.7472
Aix sponsa 0.1108 - 0.5892 0.3378 0.2108 0.4846 0.2032
Ardea herodias 0.0328 0.5892 - 0.1340 0.0732 0.8736 0.0699
Chelydra serpentina 0.5247 0.3378 0.1340 - 0.7695 0.0974 0.7536
Lithobates clamitans 0.7314 0.2108 0.0732 0.7695 - 0.0511 0.9833
Megaptera novaeangliae 0.0218 0.4846 0.8736 0.0974 0.0511 - 0.0487
Sciurus carolinensis 0.7472 0.2032 0.0699 0.7536 0.9833 0.0487 -